self service credit card termianl for copy machines
With the CPI system you can pay with a credit card at the copier or printer. Works like a coin-op device but accepts credit and
debit cards for prints and copies. Also allows for cash payments at the copier. The ideal pay per print solution for any
unattended cashless print vending application. The CPI system also works on fax machines and bills fax pages sent to a
credit card.  The system  charges per minute on the Internet and pages printed once a credit card is swiped. The CPI system
serve setups.  Use instead of coin op devices. Coin-op is the old, CPI is the update and new method for payment by credit
card . Ideal self service device for the modern bu business center direct deposit into bank account vend

                      Basil Makhoul
                     President / CEO
                    Copy Network Inc.
(321) 775-3959

Copy Network Inc.  1350 Ambra  Dr.  Suite 100,  Melbourne FL 32940   (321) 775-3959
Self Service Credit Card Terminal
for Copy machines, Printers,
Computers and Faxes
Self Service Credit Card Terminal
for Copy machines, Printers,
Computers and Faxes
Preferred by and used at
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